Wednesday, June 6, 2012

task #6

People travel in summer for vacation, for business. They use exchange currency companies to change currency. Some people suggest if there is global currency it will make it easier; my opinion is, yes it is a good idea and it would help a lot in many ways. In this essay I will write why I agree with this idea; is it going to affect other countries; what are the bad thing that are going to affect people.
Currency is money but it is different from one country to another; there are different prices, ratings and even shapes. The reasons why I agree with this idea is the prices will be similar which means it will not change from one country to another. Nowadays when people travel they find big differences in price which can ruin some people’s plans. Even in business between some countries, it will have an because of the currency, prices and rates. It makes life harder in that section.
A single currency is something which may unite some countries financially. This may help the economy to grow a good way. The bad effect is the arguments that may happen because of rates and the name of the currency and where the headquarters should be. A global currency may affect rich countries and poor countries; poor countries will get money and it will help them; rich countries will lose money to get a balance between all countries; so this has a huge effect in all countries.

In the end we all may still argue about it but in the end if all countries discuss decide it will unite the world in a good way

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